One of the things I decided a while ago about the wedding is that I wanted to make sure that it presented cohesively. That is: no mish-mosh of craziness for me...if there's to be craziness it will be intentional in discernible as such.
To that end, at my request Chris put his Photoshop skills to work some to design a logo for our wedding. It's now posted on the right side of the blog page, but here it is once more just for good measure:

We went with the "L" because that's Chris's last initial, which will also be mine following the wedding (yes, I'm changing my name...more about that later, most likely).
The interlocking "C"s for our first initials, which seemed an obvious choice.
The cowboy boot is significant for us because Chris and I go country dancing (think: line dances, two-stepping, waltzes, and swing) nearly every week and it has been a really large part of our relationship since the very beginning.
We added a celtic knot in the shape of a heart because my engagement ring has a celtic-knot sort of feel to it, and we plan to carry that over into mine and Chris's wedding rings. Although we do both also have Irish heritage, I am inclined to believe that this is only a minor player in our decision.
The thing I like about this is that we can change the color rather easily and add it to many things for the wedding: save-the-date cards, invitations, napkins, stamps, return address labels, thank you cards, escort cards, favors, and etc.
I really fell in love with this idea and I hope that it is something that sticks in everyone's minds when they walk away from our wedding.
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